Recently, the film Contagion (2011) directed by Steven
Sodenbergh's sudden crowd was talked about. The science-fiction Film Hollywood
production was called a long-time fortune-telling that the Korona virus
pandemic outbreak of a new type alias Covid-19.
From the similarity of China as the initial location of the
virus, it is alleged that the virus first came from the bat, to a rapid
distribution rate with a lot of casualties.
Sodenbergh recognizes that the Contagion theme is inspired
by the spread of two outbreaks from the Korona virus: SARS (Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrom) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrom). The two
outbreaks derived from the Korona virus have infected and killed thousands of
people from several countries.
However, Sodenbergh makes a slight modification. In the
movie's story, a deadly virus that spreads named the Meningoencephalitis Virus
One (MEV-1), which is a combination of the influenza and the Nipah virus.
Symptoms that arise in patients will experience inflammation of the brain and
respiratory disorders. As a result, the similarity of conditions of the current
Covid-19 outbreak with the film Contagion gave birth to various speculation. As
the narrative spreads through WhatsApp chain messaging. Here's the narrative:
"Wondering!!! ..
9 years through America has made a film about Coronavirus whose content is more
or less exactly the current occurrence...
An American film released in 2011 talks about the virus "Coronavirus " which started
spreading from China to the rest of the world! The most strange thing is that
at the end of the film it turns out the cause of the infection is the bat,
which is the same reason that the disease is spreading now! The film's name
is "Contagion " and stars Matt
Damon, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow & Kate Winslet. "
The Film Contagion does adapt the scientific accuracy to
make the storyline even more obvious. Some film musicians also give praise to
the film played by a number of major artists. Nevertheless, the claim that
Contagion films has predicted the occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic,
Reported by, PBS NewsHour media from the United
States, lowered the team to perform fact-checking on Contagion film which had
been booming in the United States in 2011. The team tested the film's accuracy
against scientific consistency.
A group of experts from the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Agency
working under the coordination of the United States Department of Health and
Public service, helped PBS NewsHour sort out and Test the scientific accuracy
of Contagion movies. The following test results in fact:
Contagion scenario: A deadly disease in the film is modeled
on a combination of influenza and viruses called Nipah, which causes
inflammation of the brain and respiratory disease.
Check facts: For now-such a combination disease is a
Hollywood herb and can not exist in the real world.
"Influenza and Nipah have incompatible genome that
cannot be combined in nature," says CDC virus expert told NewsHour by
However, Nipah is a disease that actually appears in Asia
(south and southeast) and can cause deadly brain inflammation in humans. The
Virus killed 105 patients in a plague in Malaysia in 1999, and caused 49 deaths
in India during the outbreak in 2001.
Most Nipah outbreaks have not spread widely in humans, and
only produce a few cases. CDC virologist says Nipah is not very consistent with
the pathogens that can cause a global pandemic (like the pandemic Covid-19).
There is currently no effective treatment or vaccine for this disease.
Scenario Contagion: This Virus is very easily contagious so
it spreads to new locations around the world in a few days.
Check facts: This arrangement makes sense and has happened
twice, the CDC said, with the outbreak of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome) in 2003 in Asia, and the H1N1 pandemic 2009. SARS spread to 13
countries on three continents in less than a month, and H1N1 spread globally in
a few weeks.
Scenario Contagion: The fictional Virus reaches humans
through a series of animal gatherings: bats eat the fruit then drop it into a
pig's enclosure, the pig eats it, then slaughtered and handled by the chef in contact
with Gwenyth Paltrow ( Cast in the film).
Check out the facts: pigs and bats are a Keladi heresy of
the Nipah plague. The disease is transmitted to humans through contact with
infected pigs in Malaysia and Singapore, and by consuming fruit contaminated
with urine or saliva from infected bats in Bangladesh and India. Bats in
particular host a great reservoir for disease, which means they can accommodate
an infinite pathogen without any adverse effects.
"Contact with the bat (or contact with the host of an
intermediary animal who gets an infection from the bat) is a common theme among
some new human infections emerging," said CDC.
SARS, Ebola and avian influenza, are just some of the many
other diseases that occur from human contact with animals. Food market and food
processing is also a known pathway for the spread of disease to humans – the
SARS outbreak in 2003 was traced to human contact with animals called civet
cats, which were sold for food in China.
Scenario Contagion: When the disease persists, quick work by
scientists leads to a vaccine that is being developed in about four months.
Check facts: In the case of a completely new virus
appearing, developing a vaccine that is rapidly unlikely, the CDC said. Flu
vaccines, developed every year, take at least four to six months. For new
threats, identifying new viruses, formulating vaccines, and considering the
safety of vaccines all will take time.
vaccines can be made – which could take more than 4 to 6 months, " CDC
Scenario Contagion: A process called contact tracking is
done in a movie by investigators who try to track diseases through social
network paths and interactions.
Check facts: This procedure is widely used during
epidemiological investigation. It gives health authorities to know the level of
exposure and is used to develop public health response in emergencies, CDC
Investigator will interview a patient or family member,
track patient's contacts, retrace steps, filter people along the way and try to
identify the source. This process is used in everything from sexually
transmitted diseases, to disease transmitted by food as seen in an attempt to
trace the origins of the E. coli outbreak in Europe early in 2011.
Claims that the film Contagion has been Prediski the
Covid-19 pandemic is unfounded. All the storyline in the film adapts to an
unprecedented outbreak and pandemic with little modification.
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